Monday, March 22, 2010

Summer flicks

Summer is approaching soon which means we'll be able to do things like going to the beach, jogging, eating ice-cream, but more importantly.....watching movies! Everyone knows summertime is the best time to go out for movies because this is when Hollywood heavyweights such as Paramount and Sony duke it out for the box-office. Here is a list of my top 5 most anticipated movies of Summer 2010.

5. Predators

4. Jonah Hex

3. The A-Team

2. Iron Man 2

1. The Expendables (Sly Stallone, Jet Li, Arnold Schwarzenegger, Jason Statham, Stone Cold Steve Austin and Bruce Willis) How could you go wrong?

Monday, March 15, 2010

Pacman ghosts vs Ghostbusters

Just something funny I found on the internet.

American Pie Weekend

I got sick right before the weekend so I've spent the last few days sitting at home watching movies. Out of boredom I downloaded all the American Pie films (thanks to modern day pirates) and noticed from sequel to sequel they just kept getting worse (same gags, lame plot, etc.) I don't think that all American Pie movies are bad, but I believe that 1-3 were the only decent ones in the franchise. I don't understand why Oz isn't in the third movie. how can one of the main characters just be cut out of a sequel and not even be mentioned for the entire film? The Series should have just ended after this movie, there is no need for this franchise to be milked with terrible straight to DVD spin-offs.